
The end is the beginning

How do you define your boundaries and your limits of freedom, considering that even the most liberating ideologies have constraints?

Human beings are defined by the structures they are surrounded with; their thoughts, bodies, culture and well, the earth, since beyond the atmosphere is no place for a human to survive, yet.

What is more, the limit of your freedom ends when not only the physical boundaries of another person begins but also, more astonishingly, when the psychological boundaries of another begins.
I find this surprising because human psychology is more solid than matter, more tough than the human body and indistinguishable by those who do not know how to see what they look at.

Only "I" can tell you where you should stop! The limits of your freedom end when the boundaries of another begins. Know them well! 

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Unknown dedi ki...

Bir şey sormak istiyorum konuyla alakası var mı emin değilim. Peki insanın hayallerinin limiti neresidir? Ya da hayallerinin bir limiti var mıdır?