
A Moment of Darkness

Most probably you have seen many movies in which people completely loose control and turn into psychopaths. While watching the movie, you felt shocked and stress hormones rushed through your body. But, because the experiencer was not you, your prefrontal cortex, that is the reasoning part of your brain, was activated and you judged the event as being catastrophic. You did not want to imagine yourself in a psychopath's shoes because empathy means activating what's inside his mind, inside yours.

Here is a question just for you: Did you ever find yourself in a situation that you would never imagine yourself being in? In fact, life is all about moments like those. Why? Because if you predict everything that is going to happen in your life, there is no room for transformation and change.
Do not mistake these two words as intangible entities, they are very real if you choose to experience your emotions in a broader spectrum.

Here's the thing, if your decision is to experience life in the fullest sense, you are going to have to experience moments of darkness, and lots of it. But it is no big deal. Think about how refreshing it feels afterwards. You are not the same person anymore. With this perspective no one around you is the same. It is like entering into a different dimension.


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